04 January 2006


Please select appropriate salutation as you see fit:

A: Merry Christmas
B: Happy Chanuka
C: Happy New Year
D: Seasons Greetings.

For me, it was a very good turn of the year as I headed back to Australia over the Christmas/New Year period – about 11 days in all.

The key point was to see family, friends and Claire. (Thanks Mum & Dad for the air ticket etc). I didn’t get to see as many people as I could have or wanted to, so to those I missed, best wishes and you’ll just have to come to Thailand. Although it’s only been a short time that I’ve been away it did me good to see everyone, especially given that everyone seems to be in a good position at the moment – even my slightly (mostly?) crazy friend who just sold his guitar for an air ticket to Europe.

There wasn’t a lot ‘done’ on the stay, as that wasn’t the point, instead it was time just spent with people. It didn’t matter if it was on the beach or veranda, eating dinner or staying at a hotel in town, it was just time. There was no need to big speeches or professions of feelings – it’s all just obvious when you’re with people you care about.

I spent one morning on a drive just down the peninsula, and on the way back stopping off a little viewing points. Through the deep blue sea, clear sky, red rocks, green trees and yellow grasses some views seemed to contain all the colours of nature.

As an added bonus, the 11 days contained 6 days of international cricket, the most of which I was allowed to watch I did.

The only disappointment was that most of my usual haunts in Melbourne were closed while I was there, so I didn’t get to relive past memories. Coming back to Bangkok felt a little strange, as there’s no one I know buzzing about, but I’m sure I’ll settle back into things again. The comparison of the empty Melbourne and busy Bangkok wasn’t as striking as I’d expected, though I had forgot some of the little things that being a local makes easy about living in a town which was surprising given the short amount of time.

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